

Men’s Outreach Service Aboriginal Corporation (MOSAC)

This has been ongoing since 2013, and allows the two groups to work collaboratively and RMHI to support MOSAC to achieve its objectives to improve men’s wellbeing. It is recognised that the activities undertaken by MOSAC will differ from those conducted by RMHI due to the different needs and circumstances of the region. This strategic alliance is about adding value to MOS core activities (not replicating) and MOSAC providing RMHI an interface with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities in the Kimberley. To learn more about MOSAC visit their website:

WA Mental Health Commission

WMH Inc. delivering RMHI is currently funded as an initiative of the state-wide suicide prevention strategy, Suicide Prevention 2025: Together we can save lives. The purpose of the grant is for the provision of mental health and wellbeing education for men living in regional, rural and remote farming communities across Western Australia. This is a valid endorsement of the RMHI product. RMHI has actively been involved with the ‘Men’s Expert Group’ to look at, participate in and continue to develop the state wide Think Mental Health Campaign.  To learn more about the WA Mental Health Commission visit their website:

Western Australian Country Football League (WACFL)

RMHI have given WACFL and Healthways permission to promote our Talk to a Mate® message into their Think Mental Health Round. Additionally, RMHI continue to engage with football clubs directly, delivering our important message to younger men across the state. To learn more about WACFL visit their website:

Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development (DPIRD)

DPIRD is the primary funder of RMHI. RMHI has worked informally with the DPIRD (formerly DAFWA) National Drought Program Reform. The objectives of the reform align with the core work that RMHI does in regional, rural and remote WA. These 5 objectives are:
a) Assist farm families and primary producers adapt to and prepare for the impacts of increased climate variability.
b) Encourage farm families and primary producers to adopt self-reliant approaches to manage their business risks.
c) Ensure that farm families in hardship have access to a household support payment that recognises the special circumstances of farmers.
d) Ensure appropriate social support services are accessible to farm families.
e) Provide a framework for jurisdictions responses to needs during periods of drought.
To learn more about DPIRD visit their website:

Men’s Shed Association of WA (MSWA)

RMHI works with MSWA to foster overall ties delivering education to men’s sheds in regional, rural and remote WA. RMHI also have the capacity to deliver warrior education sessions to metropolitan sheds on a ‘fee for service’ basis. To learn more about MSWA visit their website:

Australian Men’s Health Forum (AMHF)

RMHI works with AMHF, Australia’s peak body on men’s health and wellbeing issues. RMHI played an important advocacy role in AMHF getting federal funding to develop the ‘National Men’s Health Policy’ and to develop position papers on a range of issues affecting men. To learn more about AMHF visit their website:

WA Health

RMHI is a reference group member (representing males living in regional, rural and remote areas) in the formation of the WA Men’s Health and Wellbeing Policy. This initiative was a Labor party election promise (March 2017) with the policy launched in June of 2019. The purpose of the Policy is to provide direction to WA Health and all those involved in men’s health and wellbeing in WA to deliver strategies that improves the physical, mental and social/emotional wellbeing of men and boys living in WA. RMHI continues to work with many areas of WA Health upon request. To learn more about WA Health visit their website:

West Australian Fishing Industry Council (WAFIC)

RMHI is partnered with WAFIC to deliver warrior education sessions to the fishers across all the fisheries in the State at various industry zone meetings and fishers’ gatherings. This is ongoing and valued support to this primary industry. To learn more about WAFIC visit their website:

Bowls WA

RMHI are sponsoring Bowls WA to facilitate the theme of “…before it all gets too much… Talk to a Mate!!®” into the twenty state-wide country bowls leagues. The aim is to improve the health and wellbeing knowledge of all country bowlers through participation of RMHI at specific sponsored events. To learn more about Bowls WA visit their website:

West Australian Music Industry Association Inc (WAM)

RMHI are sponsoring WAM for the partnership of WAM’s Regional Recording Program (RRP). This program makes the progression of artistic aspirations for regionally based new, emerging and practicing artists accessible, and provides them with the opportunity to work on their original compositions with some of the finest producers and engineers in the business. RMHI will be involved in the launch event for each RRP. To learn more about WAM visit their website: