Family Helpline
(24/7 info & support for family relationship issues)
1800 643 000
Men’s DV Helpline
(24/7 info & support for male victims / perpetrators
1800 000 599
Women’s DV Helpline
(24/7 support for women)
1800 007 339
Rural Link
(After hours mental health support for rural/remote WA)
1800 552 002

Rural West (Formerly Rural Financial Counselling Service)
(Free, confidential, financial counselling service for regional small business and primary producers)
1800 612 004

National Debt Helpline
(Free service for individuals dealing with a whole range of financial concerns)
1800 007 007

Ngala assists parents, families, carers, children and young people in WA.
(08) 9368 9379
Ngala Parenting Line (Country Access): 1800 111 546

Police, Fire, Ambulance (life-threatening emergencies)

WA Police
131 444

State Emergency Service
132 500
Crisis Care Helpline
(08) 9223 1111
Country toll free 1800 999 008
Alcohol and Other Drugs
Alcohol and Drug Support Line
08 9442 5000
(Country Toll Free) 1800 198 024
Meth Helpline
1800 874 878
Parent and Family Drug Support Line
08 9442 5050
(Country Toll Free) 1800 653 203
Depression, Suicide & Mental Health

Lifeline Text Service (only available 6:00pm to 10:00pm EST)
0477 13 11 14
Mental Health Emergency Response Line
(Peel) 1800 676 822
Emergency assessment and advisory service for mental health clients and their carers
PANDA (perinatal anxiety and depression),M to F, 9am to 7.30pm AEST
1300 726 306
QLife (LGBTI+, 3pm to 12midnight)
Rural Link
Emergency assessment and advisory service for mental health clients and their carers in rural areas.
1800 552 002
The Samaritans Crisis Line
Main line 08 9381 5555
Youth line 08 9388 2500
Country 1800 198 313
Suicide Call Back Service
24-hour, nationwide service that provides telephone and online counselling
to people 15 years and over who are suicidal; caring for someone who is suicidal; anyone bereaved by suicide.
1300 659 467
(Mental health system navigation, M to F, 9am to 9pm AEST)
1300 111 400

Butterfly Foundation
(Eating disorders, M to F, 8am to 9pm AEST)
1800 334 673

The National Centre for Farmer Health
Education and tools to support farmer health and safety
Youth and Kids
Child Protection and Family Support Crisis Care Helpline
08 9223 1111 1
(Country Toll Free) 1800 199 008
(12-25 year olds, family and friends. 9am to 1am EST)
1800 650 890
Kids Helpline
(5 to 25 year olds)
1800 551 800
Kids Helpline For Parents
1800 654 432
Rites Together
(Rites of Passage Programs)
Youth Beyond Blue
(12-25 year olds)
1300 224 636
Youth Focus support for young people at risk of suicide, depression and self harm.
08 6266 4333
Respect National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service
1800 737 732
Men’s DV Helpline
Statewide 24 hour counselling for men who are concerned about their violent and abusive behaviours.
1800 000 599
Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
24-hour emergency service in metropolitan Perth. This involves medical care, a forensic examination and counselling support to people who have been sexually assaulted within the previous 14 days. SARC is NOT part of the police.
(08) 9340 1828 or
1800 199 888
Women’s DV Helpline
State wide 24 hour service provides support and counselling for women experiencing family and domestic violence.
1800 007 339

DV Assist
Free WA based Counselling Helpline and Web Chat for people experiencing family and domestic violence.
10am – 10pm weekdays AWST
1800 091 335
Men’s Interest Groups