On Friday, 25th October Wheatbelt Men's Health Inc. (WMH) delivering The Regional Men's Health Initiative will be celebrating our Warrior Ambassador & Stakeholder Event. The day will be a celebration of men's wellbeing and health in regional, rural, and remote WA. The Warrior Ambassador Awards Program acknowledges community champions who... read more →
We often talk to blokes about the importance of visiting their GP for a routine service visit or check-up regardless of whether they feel unwell or not. These visits help you to stay health aware and if you do have specific risk factors, such as a family history of a... read more →
Ross explains his personal story of diagnosis, treatment, erectile issues/solutions, and the network of support he has.
A lot of blokes would appreciate the hard work and effort that goes into maintaining something we love, whether it’s a new car, a valued piece of machinery, or our weekend toys (boat, motorbike, 4x4). If we don’t service and look after our machines regularly it will eventually affect their... read more →
Our prostate is an important part of the male reproductive system; let's talk Prostate Enlargement, Prostatitis, Prostate Cancer, and Erectile Dysfunction.
Sadly, lots of blokes don’t have their blood pressure (BP) checked because we don’t visit our GP for check-ups and/or the GP has not done a blood pressure test. In fact, a lot of blokes don’t know what the blood pressure readings mean and have never had it explained to... read more →
It's not just about being sexually active, it's about all the bits that make us men.
An important question we all need to be asking ourselves as a community member is how can we reduce overall societal violence? We need to consider that the majority of violence in our society is men on men and it goes largely unreported to the police and has limited exposure... read more →
We are all challenged, in both our personal and other relationships in life, whether we have a partner, are single, or involved in the many community groups and workplaces that make our life tick. Personal relationships go through many stages that challenge the ever-changing dynamic of our relationships. These stages... read more →
It is common for us to be called to help men in the country with what is a seemingly without notice separation that leaves a dumbfounded male struggling to make sense of what just happened. Today women are more likely to be career-oriented, more independent financially, more educated and empowered.... read more →