Transition periods are a normal part of life, they are ongoing through our many different ages and stages and are often associated with varying aspects of change or moving out of our comfort zone. Most young people, regardless of attending agricultural college or mainstream high school, growing up on a farm or in the city (both male & female) will have experienced some form of change in recent years. Whether developmentally (puberty), moving away from home, creating new friendships or the expectations placed on you around attitude, behaviour and study requirements, change is inevitable.
At this time of the year many young people (and their parents) are taking important steps to prepare for the final stages of their high school journey and transition into the beginning of their working lives. If you are one of these young people and reading this article it shows at least two things: 1. You have already survived and thrived through one very significant time of change and transition; 2. You are taking positive steps and preparing yourself for the next exciting transition of becoming a young adult and entering the world of employment or further study.
Periods of transition come with a new set of challenges that may put us under pressure. Moving out of our comfort zone means exposing ourselves to new and unfamiliar situations and can often lead to:
- uncertainty and discomfort;
- having to create new routines and habits (sleep can be affected);
- feelings of fear, worry or anxiousness (this is normal, but if it’s ongoing and intense seek help);
- Increase in stress levels (some stress helps us operate during difficult times, but we need manage and keep an eye on our stress levels).
This all sounds a bit negative I know but the good news is that if we talk about these things, normalise our reactions and push through these times the boundaries of our comfort zone will grow and expand. We can gain satisfaction and meaning from getting through such times. There will always be some hold-ups, knock-backs, days when we question our decisions and things just won’t go our way. Transition is a process, so you need to allow some time to settle in and adjust before you can survive and thrive.
Here are a few tips to help with the next stages of your life journey:
- Accept change as a part of life “stop wishing for what was and enjoy what is”;
- Talk to your parents, peers and mentors about how you’re feeling;
- Make time for your passions & interests;
- Exercise and take time to relax. No one can work or study 24/7, time out is an important part of your wellbeing and stress management;
- Stay socially connected and take time to laugh with others (not just on social media, get out and create opportunities to form new friendships and surround yourself with real people);
- Avoid drugs and alcohol use. If you do choose to drink (when you’re 18) moderation and knowing your limits are vital;
- Use help or support services, they are there for a reason.
All the best for your next stage of life and remember …before it all gets too much… Talk to a Mate!!
Terry and the Team
The Regional Men’s Health Initiative
delivered by Wheatbelt Men’s Health (Inc.)
PO Box 768, Northam WA 6401
Phone: 08 9690 2277
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